"America’s standing on the world stage has never been weaker than under this President. From empowering the Taliban to enriching Vladimir Putin, literally no one takes us seriously anymore."
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Here are other recent tweets from Jason Smith:
"REMINDER: Inflation has increased EVERY month since Joe Biden took office and is on track to continue to rise causing working class Americans to pay MORE for EVERYTHING. Unacceptable!" on Feb. 6
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"Because of Joe Bidens reckless open border policies, the number of illegal crossings has risen at a faster rate under his leadership than at any time in recent history." on Feb. 6
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"After spending his formative years in Missouri, Ulysses S. Grant led the Union Army to victory before becoming POTUS. He helped put America on a path to become the greatest nation on earth. Proud to coauthor a res. appointing him as General of the Armies. bit.ly/3gm22YU" on Feb. 5
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