Jason Smith tweeted the following:
"Congratulations to Charleston native James Naile for getting the call up from Memphis to play for the @Cardinals. All of Southern Missouri is cheering you on! twitter.com/Cardinals/stat"
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Here are other recent tweets from Jason Smith:
"Fresno County, CA spent $225,000 from the American Rescue Plan to promote the first-ever National Garlic Festival.
Using federal tax dollars to promote garlic doesn't pass the smell test." on June 24
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Using federal tax dollars to promote garlic doesn't pass the smell test." on June 24
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"Im incredibly grateful to the generations of Americans who have dedicated so much to defending the unborn. But the fight to protect life isnt over, as Liberal Democrats are more determined than ever to force their pro-abortion agenda on communities across the U.S." on June 24
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"Dangerous rhetoric by leaders on the left, including Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, has led to violent attacks against pregnancy centers and nearly resulted in the assassination of a Supreme Court Justice." on June 24
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